Lynk Automation has paired with the Dallas based company IP Convergence to offer the Enviro Track School Door Monitoring Systems.
Features Include:
- SMS And email Alerts of doors propped open for a specified period of time.
- Audible buzzers at 108dB volume levels
- Strobe lights to alert nearby persons of open door.
- Overhead Paging Integration
- Panic buttons to activate alerts
Why use this system?
To start off with, the cost of the systems are significantly more affordable than the leading competitors in the SDMS systems with simple installation and wireless communication between doors, you can eliminate the labor and material costs of running cabling to all exterior doors. The mounting process of the units on each door takes seconds and pairing is instant.
So what exactly does a SDMS System do?
The Envrio Track School Door Monitoring System in the simplest explanation alerts principles, office staff and security resource officers of any exterior door that has been propped open. School safety starts with a tight perimeter, Let Lynk Automation and the Enviro Track SDMS do that for you.