Lake Worth ISD

Access & Audio Installations

Lake Worth ISD, located in Tarrant County, is home to over 3,000 students and more than 500 dedicated staff members. Committed to fostering a connected environment that is continuously improving, the district partnered with Lynk Automation to support their vision for growth.

Lynk Automation conducted a comprehensive assessment of the district’s existing infrastructure and implemented tailored upgrades to enhance security and communication across the campus. The project focused on improving door security, upgrading audio systems, and installing network hubs to ensure seamless connectivity throughout. These enhancements spanned all areas of the campus, including classrooms, hallways, the STEAM Academy, and the boardroom.

One of the key upgrades involved replacing the district’s existing Atlas PA System with a new Wahsega PA System. This innovative smart speaker provided a cost-effective solution while maintaining the high-quality audio standards of its predecessor. Additionally, the Wahsega system’s energy-efficient design allows speakers to be daisy-chained, reducing power consumption without compromising performance.

The other mass overhaul of this project was the installation of Verkada Door Sensors and Intercoms. These smart sensors are able to communicate with the overall system to confirm whether or not a door is closed on the other side of campus. These entrances were also fitted with Verkada TD53 Video Intercoms that features a built-in access reader, and two-way audio microphones.

With these comprehensive upgrades, Lake Worth ISD has positioned itself as a forward-thinking district equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow. By partnering with Lynk Automation, the district has created a safer, more efficient, and connected environment that supports the success of its students and staff.

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